Los Angeles Loves... Dorian Wood
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Los Angeles Loves... Dorian Wood

One listen to Dorian Wood and you'll be musically scarred for life and this is a good thing.

What can we say about Dorian Wood that hasn't already been said? He is an enigma. A genius. Possibly a soothsayer. But, really, just a man that will move you with his words and his music unlike most any other artist you'll ever encounter.

On March 1st, Wood celebrates the release of his new album Rattle Rattle, a sweeping triumph of a musical extravaganza if we ever did hear one. Individual songs on their own like the mammoth "Glassellalia" (featuring Correatown's Angela Correa) and the hypnotic "Pearline" are so epically orchestrated you'd think they were written for Broadway, not the DIY performance spaces that Wood so often performs. Other songs like "We Are The Heart of Human Hair" and "A Gospel of Elephants/Hpssos" slither and swarm in ceremonial vestments of beats and moans -- it's Wood at his sermonical best, when you can almost feel the sweat rolling down his spine and the saliva dripping off his tongue with every stinging lyric. We doubt there will be another album released in Los Angeles as bold and raucous as Rattle Rattle -- finally, the album we needed to wake us up from our winter slumber.

Below, we are honored to premiere Dorian Wood's Rattle Rattle album trailer featuring the diabolically Herrmann-esque opening number "Bodies (The Levitant)" -- which, we have to mention, is gorgeously sequenced on the album into the fantastic "La Cara Infinita." On March 5th, Rattle Rattle will be performed live at The Echo with the live choir The Difficult Women and very special guests Killsonic and WIFE. It is crucial that you do not miss this show.

DORIAN WOOD: WWW / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Bandcamp / Tumblr

Directed by Van Maximilian Carlson and featuring Denna Thomsen and Nina McNeely

