Los Angeles Loves... An Anniversary
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Los Angeles Loves... An Anniversary

So this is our anniversary show but, don't worry, we'll be celebrating with as little hoopla as when we started this thing exactly 15 years ago, July 12th. A lot has changed in Los Angeles since then and the scene was nothing like it is today. But we're happy to be here still helping bands when they need us and loving this city forever and ever. Lot 1 has graciously given us the night to have three new bands we love very much play some songs for everyone. We hope you can make it.

If there's anything to really celebrate it's the release of Mike Benecke's debut solo album because it's a stunner. We were gigantic fans of Teddy's Cheer Club and it's a beautiful thing to see Benecke back with what could be one of the most intimately thoughtful and honestly heartfelt records out of L.A. in years. It's pure. Nothing but Benecke's warm mid-tenor and intricate fingerstyle acoustic guitar gliding underneath, a musical feel that should make fans of Nick Drake, Elliott Smith, and Alexi Murdoch quite smitten. The album is available at Bandcamp on 7/12 and you should get it ASAP.

We've said it before but we'll say it again: Rachel Rufrano (aka RAINMAN) is a fucking star. Okay, maybe we didn't use those exact words but we should have. There's just something effortlessly brilliant about this woman's music that we can't help but use such demonstrative words and if you've listened to her latest album Saturnalia (or her other recent self-titled release) as much as we have or heard all the Long Beach buzz about her then you know why. Get both records right this second at her Bandcamp.

Yes, Anus Kings is a rather abrasive name for a duo that does blues folk, but we must say it's quite refreshing to see L.A.'s DIY punk scene offering more than the usual barre chords and mosh pits. We've been tracking Sydney Ward aka Sunny War for four years, biding our time to get this crazy young, talented authentic country blues artist for a show. When she joined forces with Brian Rodriguez to form this group and finished their debut album (produced by FIDLAR), we pulled the trigger and are ecstatic to have them play this show. Get their new album for free on Bandcamp immediately.

Thanks for 15 years, Los Angeles. We love you.

July 12, 2012

Los Angeles Loves...

MIKE BENECKE record release

Lot 1
1533 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

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