Los Angeles Loves... L.A. Ladies Choir
Friday, December 23, 2011
Los Angeles Loves... L.A. Ladies Choir

Los Angeles Loves... L.A. Ladies Choir

By far one of the more glorious creations of the last decade has been the banding together of the L.A. Ladies Choir, a collection of some of the finest ladies Los Angeles has to offer. Coming from various parts of L.A.'s cultural nexus, the group has featured members of Lavender Diamond, Moonrats, Black Black, Warpaint, He's My Brother She's My Sister, The Finches, and Stone Darling along with solo artists Jenny O., Ariana Delawari, and Anna Oxygen, not to mention fashionistas Frankie Rayder, Simone Leblanc, Miss KK, and Shahla Kareen and do-it-all L.A. women Astara Calas, Kitty Jensen, Jenny Park, and Nicole Disson. All these women individually lead amazing careers and personal lives in Los Angeles and so when they came together for this musical endeavor of friendship, love, and -yes- world peace (which comes with the territory with every Becky Stark project), we didn't hesitate to make sure we saw as many performances as possible. While Choir shows have dwindled down (most likely due to the time constraints of so many successful women in the group), we'll remember the special performances we did see, specifically the debut show in Northridge, the Space 15 Twenty shows, and the record release show at Family Books (pictured above). And we'll wait patiently until the next time when we'll be honored with the presence of the L.A. Ladies Choir.

Our videos below includes a performance of "Oh My Beautiful World" from their record release at Family back in September 2010. The other video is yet another performance of "Oh My Beautiful World," this time with just the trio of Becky Stark, Ariana Delawari, and Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs) from one of the best shows we saw in 2010 at Space 15 Twenty where this lineup (plus surprise appearances by The Living Sisters, Patrick Park, and others) was seen in front of roughly 20 people (that's what happens when it rains in Los Angeles). And, for those who read this far, here's a bonus secret video of what might be our favorite Ladies Choir song "Ocean and Ground" that we embarrassingly mistook for "Oh, Shannon Brown" (so we listen to a lot of Irish ballads, sue us.) It's available on their 12" that you have to buy now. And we've included some other must-see videos for your Choir girl collection.

L.A. Ladies Choir's 12" "Sing Joyfully" is available at Teenage Teardrops.

