Los Angeles Loves... A December To Remember
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Los Angeles Loves... A December To Remember

Los Angeles Loves... A December To Remember
In case you didn't get the memo, 2010 is pretty much a goner. We quite enjoyed the first decade of this millennium but are also excited to finally bid those 00's adieu tonight at Three Clubs with Saint Sea Hat and Count Fleet. Those who didn't attend our first show with Saint Sea Hat back in November missed out on one of the best 1am on"slots" we've seen in awhile. While The Rhone Occupation have been on somewhat of a hiatus for much of 2010, Matt Salas seems to be making his once-solo project his full-time gig. SSH graciously invited along some friends Count Fleet for the show and, if history repeats itself, will likely be playing alongside them too. For the last two years or so, we've only known Elliot Glass as the man behind Little Videos, one of the finest collection of intimate live performances on the dubbleyoudubbleyoudubbleyou. Recently, however, Glass teamed up with Caitlin Dwyer to form quite the lovely folk duo in Count Fleet and something tells us shooting band videos might be taking a bit of a backseat come 2011.

Let's send off 2010 with one last hurrah, shall we? Hope to see you tonight.

Los Angeles Loves... A December to Remember

December 29, 2010

TBA (BOXVIOLET no longer playing due to illness)

Three Clubs
1123 N. Vine
Los Angeles, CA 90038
FREE / 21+ / 9pm

Saint Sea Hat - "City Mouths" (MP3)
Count Fleet - "How It Ends" (MP3)
