Los Angeles Needs... A Friday Update
Friday, March 05, 2010
Los Angeles Needs... A Friday Update

Los Angeles Needs... A Friday Update
Thanks to all who were able to stop by Synchronicity Space on Wednesday as we not only celebrated the release of one fine new record by Tenlons Fort (pictured above) but also sadly bid him farewell as the ever-wandering Jack Gibson left a few hours after the show back to his other home of Austin, TX. For those not lucky enough to be cozy'd up with such a beautiful crowd that night, you can still get the record on CD Baby and iTunes. We hear he'll be back in June and will likely be hanging with a few L.A. bands at SXSW again this year. As always, we wish him all the best on his travels. See you soon, T-Fort.

Oh, and so nice to see Leno back making the Tonight Show horrible again this week. however we thought of an interesting idea to give us hope of his early retirement. Since network television sometimes has a habit of canceling shows we all like ("Freaks and Geeks," "Arrested Development," "Undeclared" to name a few), we can all really try hard and make believe that Leno is actually funny and doesn't just deliver jokes like a tree stump thereby forcing us to, dare we say it, enjoy his show. Then with enough collectively manufactured approval ratings he will inevitably get the pink slip... Ok, horrible idea, but mostly the Leno being funny part. And since we're really not on the subject, most every episode after the pilot on NBC's "Community" has been actually really good despite poor response. The debate episode was fantastic and every ep since then has been increasingly sharper than the last. The show is likely up on the chopping block so we thought we'd say a little something like we did when "The Office" was threatened to be canceled after its first six episodes. Where else could you have seen the occasional cameos from Erik Charles Nielsen and a nice usage of Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zero's "Home"? Also, it helps that Ken Jeong is straight up genius and the fact we just saw the Donald Glover do an amazing stand-up recently and perfectly put "Two and a Half Men" (second only to Leno in horribly unfunniness) in its place. Conversely, Aziz Ansari also did a great performance that night (that included a ridiculously funny bit about racial slurs, which for some reason made us think why haven't we seen a Timberlake/Danger Mouse collab project called Racial Slurs), but we still don't think "Parks and Recreation" will last too long. Perhaps because it's not very good and Amy Poehler looks bored. Anyway, no one watches TV anymore. We're all too busy at indie rock clubs, right?...

Goodness, this Friday update thing went totally in a different direction than our normal Friday update thing where we essentially repost the same calendar of events that every other blog in Los Angeles posts. Redundancy is reason #219 why terrorists hate America so for this week, we're not posting a calendar. If you're smart however, you might want to see any one of these fine locals playing this weekend: The Bird and the Bee, Shadow Shadow Shade, WEAVE!, Big Whup, Missincinatti, Moses Campbell, The Submarines, The Happy Hollows, Summer Darling, Meho Plaza, SISU, Orenda Fink, Odd Modern, Familiar Trees, It's Casual, The Like, VOICEsVOICEs, Jail Weddings, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Audacity, and I Read Her Journal.

Happy birthdays this weekend to Chris Hernandez (The Happy Hollows) and our ex-wife Jenna Fischer.

Oh, and we're presenting a show on Saturday but it's more of like a secret show because this promo is like placed so far below the fold that no one really knows about it. So, shhhhhhut it. Love you!

Big Whup - Yaaaay

The Like - "He's Not a Boy"