Los Angeles Would Love... To Be Your Valentine
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Los Angeles Would Love... To Be Your Valentine

Los Angeles Would Love... To Be Your Valentine
Damn, girl, I got all these things I've been wanting to tell you but life just keeps getting in the way and ish. Like what's up with all this rain and double rainbows foolishness? That kind of magic just don't make no sense. Kinda like my love for you, holla. Anywayz, what's up with you? We still going to The Echo tonight? They got patio benches in the back, you know whatamsayin...

We know this little valentine note won't be enough to get the one or two of our three readers out tonight but in case you're wondering what's actually happening at The Echo this lovely evening...

The frolicy, fun folk family known as the Cobra Lilies asked us to present tonight's show at The Echo and when have we ever said no to them? The once humble little folk duo has bloomed into a Darlingtonia cacophonia of goofy loveliness. And somehow amidst all of their onstage folly they managed to release the hugely underrated vinyl EP "In the Key of Bicycle Bell," one of our favorites of 2009. Along with them on this night they have invited our favorite food group Pizza! who recently released Bogus Rim Shots from the Fourth, a massive collection of all their hits, on Manimal Vinyl (get it here). We thought we had never heard of Londoner Findlay Brown until it was brought to our attention he was the voice behind this commercial and that one guy who just played Letterman. So he's famous and junk. Get there early to see him. Lastly, with the first pick of the 2010 draft la-underground selected Superhumanoids. Yes, we named Superhumanoids one of our Top 10 bands to look out this year and lucky us we got them on this lineup. Their Eno-influenced synth pop has been creating quite a stir lately -- according to recent absurdly-packed shows at Echo Curio, L'KEG, and El Cid. They also might be reason #203 why The Pains of Being Pure at Heart is one of the most overrated bands on the planet. In any case, they'll be batting cleanup tonight so be sure to stick around for them.

Cobra Lilies have deemed this a pre-Valentine's Day party of sorts. We don't know exactly what that means other than the usual makeout sesh we usually have with them so prepare for tons of slow dancing, holding hands, and closed-mouth kissing (but still with tongue, of course).

February 10, 2010

Los Angeles Loves...


The Echo
1822 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026 | Map
18+ / $5 / 9pm
Facebook Event Invite

Pizza! - "Gay Hotel California" (MP3)
Cobra Lilies - "There's Always Love" (MP3)
Superhumanoids - "Cranial Contest" (MP3)
Findlay Brown - "Losing The Will To Survive" (MP3)

Pizza! - "Big Mammoth Skull"

Cobra Lilies - "A Minute Without You" (Hanson cover)

Superhumanoids - "Cranial Contest"

Findlay Brown - "Love Will Find You"

Terrific show. Findlay Brown put on one of the best shows I've seen--ever.
Doug Kresse
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