Los Angeles Loves... All Hallows' Eve
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Los Angeles Loves... All Hallows' Eve

Los Angeles Loves... All Hallows' Eve
We have to be honest here for a second. We're not big fans of Halloween. There's just something not right about giving out treats freely to kids hidden behind masks who after a night of running around coked up on those damn addicting Sour Skittles wind up hours later egging your house and stencil bleaching swastikas on your front lawn. And yet, every year like clockwork, we get those 6lb variety bags of sweets and hand those things out like idiots. This year will be different...

Because we won't be home.

We're presenting a show Saturday at pehrspace with Asa Ransom, boxViolet, Eliza Rickman, and The Blind. You know, given our dislike for the holiday, we really don't shy away from doing shows in its honor. This is our fourth consecutive year doing a show around October 31st, but our first on the actual night so it should be fun. Here's a few words about the bands...

On March 11, 2009, we Tweeted this after a show at The Prospector. Asa Ransom is that band. Minutes after that show, we asked them if we could host them the next time they were in town. This is that show. They recently self-released a new EP entitled "The Gold EP" and are in town for the next few months working the West Coast. Fans of The Deadly Syndrome, Cold War Kids, and Vampire Weekend might want to jump on this.

It might not be a secret anymore but we love boxViolet. What also might not be a secret is that the band has been recording a new EP with the help of Chris Fudurich (Nada Surf, Jimmy Eat World) and Mark Needham (The Killers, We Are Scientists). This will be your chance to get a sneak preview.

Eliza Rickman performs some of the most eerily wonderful songs in town. Regularly performing with just a toy piano and a voice seemingly ripped out of Snow White's larynx, she'll be backed on this night by a string quartet. This is going to be too good.

Lastly, we have the Bay Area's The Blind. They come to us on the recommendation of Matthew Teardrop of Manhattan Murder Mystery so we're looking forward to seeing them for the first time.

So that's the show. Please stop by before or after all the Halloween festivities you'll be attending. Food, drink, and other fun stuff will be provided as well. And, sure why not, wear your Michael Jackson circa "Thriller" slash circa now zombie get-up. Just don't forget your choreography.

October 31, 2009

Los Angeles Loves... All Hallows' Eve


325 Glendale Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026 | Map
ALL AGES / 9pm / $5 donation

Asa Ransom - "Relic" (MP3)
boxViolet - "Swallow" (MP3)
Eliza Rickman - "Lily Love" (MP3)

Asa Ransom - "New Circles" (Live on Fearless Music)

boxViolet - "Portable"

Eliza Rickman - "Lily Love" (Live at the Kabinet Theatre)

The Blind - "April 29th" (Live on Vlaze)