Los Angeles Needs... A Thursday Update
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Los Angeles Needs... A Thursday Update

Los Angeles Needs... A Thursday Update
First, thanks to all those who came out on Tuesday for a great night of music and thanks to the bands for letting us be apart of it. And just in case you didn't already know... Two Guns' new self-titled record is available through iTunes and through their MySpace. It features appearances by Kay Hanley and Sarah Ellquist and Daniel de Blanke of Robotanists. Summer Darling is just wrapping up their new album which will be released on Origami in the coming months (too excited for this.) Tuesday's show marked the return of Todd Spitzer on drums who's been in Portland for the last few months. Downtown/Union recently released their debut album Aurora Ahora and just wrapped up a brief tour with Rademacher and I Make This Sound. As a two-piece they were pretty badass. As a quartet they're unstoppable. Seattle's Elba head back up north where they're set to release their self-titled debut album at the High Dive on 8/1. Thanks again to everyone involved with the show. And thanks to the city of Long Beach for being so radicalawesome.

Earlier this week, we stopped by Sync for the L.A. debut of Chicago's Pit Er Pat as a duo. We hear the band are semi-permanent residents to Los Angeles so they fit in quite nicely in the Goa rock movement currently inhabited by the likes of Hecuba, Rainbow^Arabia, and Gangi (all of whom were in attendance). We believe they played mostly new songs (setlist was "Summer Rose," "Chavez Ravine" "Flexible Entertainer," "Water," "Darkroom," "Heartbeat," and "Grace"), all of which sounded quite good. They open for Matteah Baim at Space 15 Twenty tonight. Lucky Dragons opened the show where they continue to manifest some of the most brilliant sound manipulation trickery in town. The band head off to Europe tomorrow to make new friends for a few months but are due back on 9/13 at The Smell.

Happy Birthday to Bryce Martin, formerly of Die Princess Die now of Memory, who celebrated turning 18 (he's legal now ladies) at "Marathon Live" last night. After only a handful of shows, they've already proven they're one of the best new bands we've seen in the last year. You'll be hearing more from them soon. Well, maybe. Their drummer moved to New York, of all places. We also caught St. St. (get it, Saint Street?) play their L.A. debut show earlier in the evening. Fans of Two Sheds, The Be Good Tanyas, Chapin Sisters, and the like should check them out tonight at Hyperion Tavern (playing with My Imaginary Friends and Marvelous Toy).

Now that we've promoted two other shows going on tonight, we should mention that we're presenting a show ourselves at Echo Curio. Please consider it on your evening travels.

Pictured above is Bo Bory of Downtown/Union at The Prospector holding a heart in his hand and although he looks pissed that's just his rock star scowl. And in the background is Jeff Electric giving the crowd a rare glimpse of his well-oiled sixpack.

Pit Er Pat - Live at Synchronicity, 7/20/09

St. St. - Live at Three Clubs, 7/22/09