Los Angeles Hates.. An Anniversary
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Los Angeles Hates.. An Anniversary

Los Angeles Hates.. An Anniversary
Twelve years ago this month we started using the name la-underground to help bands around town. Meaning, before picking a name, we were even more anonymous than we are now. Obviously, celebrating such a non-momentous occasion is the exact opposite of how we like to do things, which makes this show all the more intriguing since the gathering of these bands is good cause to celebrate.

We've known Carla Werner for a little while now, first seeing her in her native Australia in 2002 on one of our yearly scouting trips abroad. That year, she lent her voice to the Paul Oakenfold dance hit "Southern Sun" and was later signed to Columbia Records where she released her debut record Departure in 2003 -- which we still think is highly underrated. After touring around the world with the likes of The Jayhawks, The Thorns (Matthew Sweet, Pete Droge, and Shawn Mullins), and Damien Rice she went through the usual record label fallout which culminated with her independently-released Pure Things in Wild Places in 2006. After not hearing any news for awhile, she contacted us last year about a semi-permanent move to Los Angeles and a desire to start playing out again. Hence, this is Carla Werner's first solo show in L.A. in four years, aka reason #1 to celebrate.

Reason numero dos is our favorite band from Riverside and if we have our way, Phoenix and the Turtle will be one of the biggest bands out of this scene in the next few years. They're wrapping up their second record now and are likely to start playing more in town to help promote it. This is good news for all of us since while they've built a good fanbase out on the East-Eastside, L.A. is still another world for them. But there's something that we love about this band's measured pace in building their audience (intentional or not). Overnight sensations never last. Maybe they should change their name to The Tortoise and the Hare. Slow and steady wins the race.

In 2007, we obtained a copy of The Nocturnes' beautiful "Wellington" EP, which coincidentally was recorded in New Zealand (Carla Werner's motherland). This led to the acquisition of their recently released debut record A Year of Spring, one of our favorite albums of 2008. The depth of their songwriting and the evocativeness of Emma Ruth Rundle's vocals can quite fairly be filed into the top-level categories of PJ Harvey, Blonde Redhead, and Dead Can Dance. "Paper Hands," "The Sea Will Keep You Save," and "The Color" are absolute knee-bucklers and yet three more reasons to celebrate this show.

We're quite happy to be presenting this little show at one of the best venues in town to see little shows, Echo Curio. We've now explained a few reasons for going as your attendance would be the reason for all reasons to put on this show. Hope to see you there.

July 23, 2009

Los Angeles Loves...


Echo Curio
1519 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026 | Map
All Ages / 9pm / $5

Carla Werner - "Into the Night" (MP3) Limited time download
Phoenix and the Turtle - "Judy You're Not Yourself Today" (MP3) Limited time download
The Nocturnes - "Paper Hands" (MP3) Limited time download

Carla Werner - "Wanderlust"

Paul Oakenfold - "Southern Sun" (Featuring Carla Werner)

Phoenix and the Turtle - "Stuart Drives His Comfortable Car" (Live at the Glass House, 3/20/08

The Nocturnes - "The Sea will Keep You Safe"