Los Angeles Loves... No Little Kindness
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Los Angeles Loves... No Little Kindness

Los Angeles Loves... No Little Kindness
It will be utterly impossible to explain how completely happy this band will make you feel.

Adding to a growing list of local artists that have engaged in the rapturous sound of spiritual earthsong, No Little Kindness have broken onto the scene with the release of two stunning EPs in the last two years. And with high praise coming from their fellow joyfolk brethren Bodies of Water, Seasons, and Kind Hearts and Coronets, they're very much at the heart of a musical renaissance that's happening in Los Angeles. A breakthrough movement of young homespun folk troupes that have crawled out of the same caves where bands like Animal Collective, Panda Bear, and Grizzly Bear once hibernated and now have taken it to indie clubs to display the endless arrays of beauteous hymns that can be created with uplifting harmonies through unconventional instrumentation. But there's more to this band than just breaking out into junkyard drum circles or "make love not war" tribal dance routines. There's an unprovoking calmness to everything they write, which is what we love the most. Even with songs that erupt into cacophonic white noise like the gorgeous "U R Me" or "When I Call"; even with songs that are meant to provoke like "Lord Your Love", whose scathing verses like "Don't want your bloody war machine, Don't want the money that it brings" are ultimately resolved with optimism in its chorus "Lord Your Love, Love is everywhere". And optimism in discontent, much like harmony within dissonance, is really at the heart and soul of this wonderful new band we are madly in love with, No Little Kindness.

No Little Kindness performs 3/22 at Mr. T's Bowl. New limited edition EP, Rejoice, is available through Judah Records or through their website. A free MP3 download is offered every week through their website.

No Little Kindness on MySpace.

No Little Kindness - "When I Call" (MP3)
No Little Kindness - "Cast Off Your Troubles" (MP3)

No Little Kindness - "Let It Show" (Live at Mr. T's Bowl)

No Little Kindness - "U R Me"
no little anticipation! can't wait for saturday!
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