Los Angeles Loves... Alex & Sam
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Los Angeles Loves... Alex & Sam

Alex & Sam
A certain record label executive recently asked us who we thought was going to be the breakout star of 2008. A flood of band names raced through our mind, but as we were about to get to the obvious ones of Castledoor, Airborne, or Hollows, we surprised even ourselves and blurted out, "Alex & Sam."

"Alex & Sam?", they replied. "Who's that?"

They obviously weren't at Tangier on November 18th 2007. That night was the coming out party of one of the most delightful new groups to emerge out of the Los Angeles music scene in recent years. They showcased a charming collection of jazz-inflected pop/folk original tunes that combine the classic feel of Cole Porter and Hoagy Carmichael with the poetic sophistication of Nick Drake and Elliott Smith. And it was lovely.

The packed audience of friends and bystanders witnessed something special that night. Something perfect and effortless. Something smart and refined. Something likely to be huge in 2008.

Alex & Sam have the Sunday residency at Tangier in February for The Fold. Early arrival is strongly suggested. Ms. Sam Sidley recently successfully auditioned for "American Idol," which of course caused a spike to their MySpace page (as if their shows weren't crowded enough). Purchase advance tickets here... New EP "Sounds Like This" available at shows and through their MySpace.

Photos from the Tangier show here.

Alex & Sam - "Found Our Way" (MP3)
Alex & Sam - "See You Through" (MP3)

Alex & Sam - "Found Our Way" (Live at El Cid)
Sounnnnnnnnnndsss sssleeeeeeeeepppppyyyyyy.

Maybe I'll have to see them live, but OOF! Snoozalicious...
Hey friendly friend...check out an Alex & Sam show this month at Tangier. New tunes...with ELECTRICITY ;-)
My new lead singer

L.A. Fixture Royce

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