Los Angeles Needs... A Monday Update
Monday, July 30, 2007
Los Angeles Needs... A Monday Update
So here's that Monday update thing that one of our four readers likes to read...

The Spinto Band have been added to tonight's lineup at the Silverlake Lounge. So with Light FM, Miniature Tigers, and Owl Owl that is going to be tough to beat given the awesomeness of those bands and the fact that it's free. The Spinto Band are in town recording their new album while getting the hang of Los Angeles. Check their blog for daily updates on their unique perspective on our fair city... Tickets are now on sale for the Ferdinand Cudia benefit on 8/4 at the Echoplex with The Locust, The Bronx, Har Mar Superstar, Qui, and others. We all know Cudia is one of the greatest drummers on the planet but he's also one of the most humble and kindest people we've ever met. We should also point out that this year marks ten years of 400 Blows' complete domination of the Los Angeles music scene. And we can safely say that no other band has supported the scene as much as these guys in that time so we should all be out to be apart of this important event... Una celebrates the release of their long-awaited new album One at the Temple Bar tomorrow (7/31)... Tickets for !!!'s 9/26 show at the Avalon are on sale 8/1... Bodies of Water on GTFU tonight... Another Monolators first Friday this week with E>K>U>K, I Make This Sound, and others at Mr. T's Bowl (more info later this week)... Safari Sam Lanni is holding a 'town hall' meeting at the club tomorrow (7/31) at 7pm for people to discuss things about what you'd like to see done at Sam's as well as talking about the the Los Angeles music scene in general. We have never heard of such a thing but we are all for community gatherings such as this since it may be your only opportunity to hear "why can't we all just get along?", "fight the power", and "free bird" in the same room.

Sit boo boo, sit.