Los Angeles Needs... A Monday Update
Monday, July 16, 2007
Los Angeles Needs... A Monday Update

Sorry, this is another late Monday update thing that might turn into a regular Monday thing.

First of all, it was just announced that in addition to tonight's show at Little Radio, Spoon is playing at Cinespace tomorrow with The Watson Twins. This causes a bit of havoc for Eastern Conference Champions who were scheduled to have their CD release party there for their new album Ameritown (poor Jax must be frantic). But, alas, the ECC party has been moved to the Silverlake Lounge, which makes a great lineup with The Vampire Weekend, The French Semester, and Faker.

Remember the Lava Lounge? The 13-year old haunt famous for its tiki-tacky decor that was a favorite hangout for burnout actors made semi-famous for its namedrop in "Swingers" and where Cold War Kids once played back when you probably were into John Mayer? Well, it's turned itself into a fancy ski lodge-looking joint called The Woods now and you can't play there anymore -- they don't book bands.

BPM Magazine celebrates 11 years with a show at the Avalon on 7/19 with Moving Units, Girl Talk, and a great lineup of DJs including A-Track, Colette, Marques Wyatt and others. Yeah, what are you reading this blog for when you should be RSVPing?

The El Rey and The Echo both launched new websites. Also, we were recently pointed in the direction of this newish Metromix LA site whose music section is run by Sterling who we think used to write for URB at one point. Anyway, seems like a pretty decent local zine in the vein of the long gone LAInsider.com with a feature today on The Happy Hollows (performing tonight at the Viper Room) and DJ Them Jeans aka Justin Sterling (who kind of made a muck of things with the double-booking tomorrow at Cinespace). There's also the obligatory "Favorite New L.A. Band" poll. It must make Great Northern and The Movies feel like a million bucks to be labeled a new band and make Oh No! Oh My! feel like two million bucks to be labeled an L.A. band.

Space Mtn is still looking for a guitarist and probably to make us jealous Ms. Waxman preferably would like a guy. Guitar Hero geeks need not apply. That rhymed. Too bad she's not looking for a lyricist because we'd be the fiercest. Oh, snap.

Congratulations to Maria L. for winning our little contest thing. She correctly answered the two now-famous bands that opened for Moonpools and Caterpillars' last show at the Whisky on June 6, 1998. She gets a sealed copy of the great album 12 Songs. She also promises never to sell it or we'll love her... to death. The answer was Eve 6 and Phantom Planet. Chopper One also played, which of course was Jason Cropper's (Weezer's original guitarist) band so you can imagine the star power in the room that night. We did short interviews with all the bands except the Eve 6 interview was never finished because Don Was (Tony's Dad) interrupted us. Anyway, Jon of course is now in Monsters Are Waiting and Max is in Sugi Tap and Cropper is doing his own thing. But, my, how good was that lineup (at the Whisky no less)?... Anyway, congrats Maria!
Im not gunna lie. Its been a little bit crazy, but we're managing it pretty well right now. Thanks for the mention. If you come out to the show be sure to say hi!
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