Los Angeles Loved... Moonpools & Caterpillars
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Los Angeles Loved... Moonpools & Caterpillars

When we think of all the bands we sorely miss from ten years ago, Moonpools & Caterpillars are very much at the top.

The Glendale-born group released three fantastic albums, only one of which (their 1995 debut Lucky Dumpling) had any type of success due to its breakout hit "Hear". The other two, The Pink Album (1995) and 12 Songs (1998), were barely heard outside of their core Southern California fans because of their limited release. 12 Songs itself was only obtained from fans at their last few shows and is now an eBay watchlist favorite. How unfortunate, since we can safely say that the album is one of the best local releases of all time.

So what made the band so great? Well, for starters, Kimi was a huge presence on stage. Some say she should have been a big star if it were not for a one Gwen Stefani who unknowingly made sales of any other energetic female-led rock band plummet at the time. The band was also a huge influence in the Asian/Pacific Islander indie rock scene along with bands like Julie Plug and Ozma. But more than that, the band just wrote perfect pop songs that kids today would probably call twee, indie pop, or in other words Rilo Kiley-esque. In fact, we always found it a bit of a coincidence that Moonpools ended in 1998 just as Rilo first began. And if you listen to 12 Songs and Rilo Kiley back to back you'll find even more things to smile at.

We have no idea what any of the members are doing now. Tim (bassist) joined a few other bands like The MiGS in the late 90s. But that's all we know. A reunion of any kind would be monumental.

First person to tell us what two now-famous local bands opened at M&C's finale, we'll give you a sealed copy of 12 Songs (an unsealed one once Ebay'd for over $300).

Moonpools & Caterpillars - "Hear" (MP3)

Moonpools & Caterpillars - "Hear"
I would kill for that CD!! Can you give a hint?!?! Please!!
"ugly dumpling" was one of my fave albums from the 90s. for me, "soon" is their best song ever!
10 years...wow. I remember the happiness when you sent me 12 Songs in the mail back then. And the sadness when you told me the band had split up. Alas.

I still have to listen to Lucky Dumpling at least once every summer because, for me, it perfectly captures the essence of the season.
One of the greatest bands ever to exist! The Moonpools & Caterpillars! Thank You for all the great songs! Some of the greatest Lyrical Poetry EVER set to music in the history of mankind


I was lucky enough to see them live 5 times, and was also lucky enough to be handed cassettes of their rare demos and have posted a few tracks


Tell me this isn't poetry!

I believe in heaven and know
that I should just accept it all
So content with the paths that I walk on
- surely I should see it all
So take care
and don’t go too far,
I will miss your soul
When the distance grows
and the nights are long
and your scared at times
and you wonder why
Take care
and don’t go too far
I will miss your soul
I’ve looked into the sky a hundred times
and I’ve seen the stars that shine so bright
I’m sure that one of them is you, my friend
Watching and waiting and hoping that
I’ll be alright
So take care
and don’t go too far
I will miss your soul
And when the distance grows
and the nights are long
and you’re scared at times
and you wonder why
Take care,
and don’t go too far
I will miss your soul
The road back home is shorter than you know.
""soon" is their best song ever!"

i agree!!
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