As We Move Along With Our Blinders On
Thursday, February 22, 2007
As We Move Along With Our Blinders On

No time to dilly-dally today so let's just give you the scoop...

Insiders are abuzz for Jon Brion's show tonight. Don't bother asking what that means. We're not cool enough to know any insiders nor do we know anything about the word 'abuzz'... The Parson Red Heads celebrate the release of their new album King Giraffe on Saturday at Sea Level. We picked it up early to beat the rush (and so we can bump it on West Sunset tonight, holla.)... Georgie James pops on over for a visit from the East Coast next week with shows at Safari Sam's (2/27) and Spaceland (2/28). And, yes, one half of the band will be doing our little show on Sunday. On a related note, just heard Jacob Golden's song "On A Saturday" was used on the season finale of "The O.C.". We didn't watch it but we were actually around The O.C. last night if that counts for anything. In any case, if you're coming (and you should), get there early... Another night of PYPU is upon us down at the Prospector on 2/27 with the fine lineup of Venus Infers, Forcefield ON, and un:armed. That three bands for three bucks business model is hard to beat... Finally, if you haven't seen this month's residency bands be sure to stop by for this last week of February. Unless, of course, free shows are out of your budget.

The Parson Red Heads - "Punctual As Usual" (MP3)
Georgie James - "Grizzly Jive" (MP3)
Venus Infers - "Vanilla Is (the absence of chocolate)" (MP3)

Jon Brion - "Here We Go"