Los Angeles Loves... Wasting Time
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Los Angeles Loves... Wasting Time

A few local music sites recently went through a makeover and we thought we'd mention them since... well, we're waiting for a 45-minute 3D composite to render and you know how long that takes on an overclocked 386.

Let's start with KCRW.com since G used to work there way back when the site looked worse then KXLU's travesty does now and learned all about multi-threaded streaming and shit. Webmaster Jason Georges took over for JB like in 2001 or something and he's done a pretty good job with the uptime since thousands of audiophiles are on there daily trying to rip video and audio from their archives. Looks like it got the fancy schmancy treatment this time around with a much more organized navigation scheme. We like. Now if they could only play some good music...

Thank goodness the Troubadour.com finally got a facelift. The previous design was like that since pretty much its launch like five years ago or something. The Flash gallery is a nice idea, but where's all the scandalous greenroom shots? It might also be good to get some of those old videos when Richard Pryor and Elton John performed there or at least link to some YouTube junk if they can't license it. Their RSS feed is glitchy so no newsfeeding yet, boys and girls. And it was designed by Ticketmaster-owned Cottonblend, so it's only a matter of time before there are surcharges to logon to the site.

Anyway, we were going to post about some other new sites, but G says that this is getting boring. We'll just say that for those local sites that are going to be revamping, don't try to be too fancy unless it's done by a decent designer otherwise it will look like the Temple Bar or worse yet the Lava Lounge. Damn shame. By the way, KXLU is having their pledge drive next week so donate a few bucks so that they can afford to have someone throw them a pixel or two.
the lava lounge site does suck but they use their myspace now mostly.
Troubadour's RSS feed is working fine. Try subscribing to it in My Yahoo!, FireFox, Bloglines or any other feed reader and you'll see it works like a charm. The reason you're seeing a bunch of random text in your browser when you go to rss.php is because the file is cached to allow for more requests to be served. So what you're reading is HTML and not XML as far as your browser is concerned. So go ahead, subscribe away!

Also, the gallery is not built in Flash. It's all javascript!
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