It's Time You Find Someone To Hold Onto You
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It's Time You Find Someone To Hold Onto You

What a week we have before us... Beginning tonight with you know what. But if you can't make it out for this, no hard feelings, there are about a thousand amazing lineups tonight. Like Anavan and Bipolar Bear at the Smell; In Waves, Polus, and Innaway at The Scene; The Airborne Toxic Event at El Cid; The Parson Red Heads at Lava Lounge; Priscilla Ahn at the Hotel Cafe; The Bird and the Bee at the Silverlake Lounge; Jon Brion at Largo... and so on. You could literally drive around town blindfolded tonight and wreck into a good show (but please don't do that)... Chris Holmes was recently added to the Placebo/She Wants Revenge tour, which made that tour a whole lost more interesting. Mr. Holmes can often be seen around town behind the decks at clubs where we're not cool enough to be. He also spends quite a lot of time in production booths recording good records for good artists. However, these solo dates are a bit of a rarity. So our advice to all those checking out this tour: Get there early... On Monday, the beautiful Miss Derringer performs with Eagle and Talon at the Viper Room. Look for a feature on Miss D over the weekend if you're good... Also on Monday, The Autumns perform at the Troubadour. We'll be stagefront for this one. Ok, have a good week everyone.

Chris Holmes - "Glory" (MP3)
The Parson Red Heads - "I'm Always at Hand" (MP3)
Bipolar Bear - "Bogota" (MP3)