A Lust For Music
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
A Lust For Music

Blogcritics recently reviewed Nic Harcourt's new book Music Lust: Recommended Listening for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason. I haven't read it but I talked with Harcourt on several occasions during my time at KCRW. He's pretty on top of things for the most part, but one should wonder about the relevance of tastemakers like he and Lamacq when more and more listeners are finding music on their own. The station prides itself in the discovery factor yet how much of a factor is it when their current playlist reads like an mp3 blogger's 2004 archive?

The Words kicked off their October weekly and word is these free shows might be the last you'll see of them. Too bad... Over at the Echo, Lavender Diamond jump started their residency with a lovely set in honor of "world peace" (how Stark can be so bizarre yet utterly captivating boggles the mind). Finishing off that night was the glory of the Winter Flowers, the musical embodiment of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men performing enchanting songs recalling medieval troubadours. Anxiously await this album... Australia's The Grates also came to town to debut the release of their stateside EP The Ouch. The Touch. Solid lineup that night with The Ettes and The Sweet Ouch, I mean, The Sweet Hurt opening... Other weeklies this month include more fun with Mike Andrews at Tangier, which this week included guests Biirdie and the lovely Ms. George. And who could resist the stunner lineup at Spaceland with Colored Shadows, Monsters Are Waiting, Malbec, and the latest offering from NYC Harlem Shakes? I have to admit that this band Colored Shadows is growing on me. It's taken awhile to get past the pretentiousness of their name and performance but in the end the music is what matters. Right? Missed MAW but I'll make up for it when they take over Moscow in November. Malbec just released their new self-titled EP. This band should be getting a lot more coverage then they do, especially with so many kids into this melodic modern rock that The WB likes to fade up on everytime Clark saves Lana... Speaking of new records, thanks to M. for the copy of Sierra Swan's new one. This album (produced by Linda Perry and Bill Bottrell) took a few years to get through the red tape (first on Atlantic Records and now on Interscope), but my goodness is it worth it. The best track on the album is "Just Tell Me" and the only way you'll hear it is on KCRW and Indie 103.1FM who have been giving it some love in recent months. Other songs can be previewed via Swan's MySpace. Queen of the Valley is scheduled for a March release.

Malbec - "Solstice" (MP3)
Malbec - "Rectangle" (MP3)
Malbec - "To Be Continued" (MP3)

I checked out that KCRW playlist link and there's some really good artists listed.

As much as I love new music, and mp3 blogs, there sometimes is an overemphasis on 'the-next-big-thing' rather than appreciating artists' music on a deeper level.

That said, I appreciate KCRW investing the time to continue to play quality music, even if it's not circa 2005.
got any pics of diva from blackblack?? she's hot. that chick from the sweethurt isn't bad either.
Any chance you could give me a listing of the tracks on Queen of the Valley Girls? You don't need to give me the songs themselves.. just the titles would be fine :)

Thank you!
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