Night of The Living Sisters
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Night of The Living Sisters

They only played five songs but one should savor any moment when two of L.A.'s golden girls take the stage. The Living Sisters are a brand new project from Eleni Mandell (whose version of "I Love Paris In the Springtime" is the only thing sexy about those Paris Hilton/Carls Jr. ads) and Becky Stark, one of the most brilliant voices in all the land. So, five songs, all of them done in beautiful duo harmony, three of them interluded with cute exchanges of giggles, two of them ("Double Knots" and "Oh, Sea") too perfect for words. No idea when they'll be playing again but look for us to be counting down their 5-song magic in the near future.

can't believe i missed this. :(
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