Sunday, Monday, Hyundai
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, Monday, Hyundai

A nice gathering of barbecue goers spent their late afternoon at the Echo on Sunday. Didn't have much time to eat since Space Mtn, Let's Go Sailing, and ArmyNavy took the midslot sets (The Red Lights and Man of the Year also performed). All three were in top form. ArmyNavy is on the verge; Let's Go Sailing could make a comfortable living off of "Icicles" alone; and you already know we bought stock in Space Mtn long ago... Later on that evening, Yes Me To Death and Artichoke played their last residency night at Spaceland. I've been lukewarm on YMTD's live shows -- although they're still fairly new -- but their cd is actually pretty good. Artichoke just put out their new wonderful CD 26 Scientists Volume One Anning - Malthus. Gosh, they've been around long enough to be called scene veterans, but hopefully they don't consider a move to Canada considering the success of some other experimental indie-rock band. They play every first friday of the month at Mr. T's Bowl for free until forever.

We try to avoid crowds whenever we can but what a lineup at the Troubadour on Monday. Unfortunately arrived toward the end of the Consafos set but those last three notes rocked. I think it's safe to say that we wouldn't have been anywhere near West Hollywood that night if Bella Lea were not playing. They played a rather relaxed handful of songs that offered a taste of bigger things to come. "Save It" is just too painfully good. And we're so glad The Velvet Teen played "Counting Backwards," which was a gift for not having seen them in four years.

A friend is working on some new concept designs for Hyundai. The Neos is one of the more recent ones they've been showing off. Eh. My favorite is still the Peugeot Feline.