Line Around the Bloc Party
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Line Around the Bloc Party
Word travels fast with this thing called technology. One minute you're a little known post-punk new wave band from London, then all of a sudden you're doing a highly anticipated promo tour in the U.S. with enough hype to get them on the November ballot. In support of their new self-titled EP, Bloc Party landed on Spaceland's showcase spot last Monday to one of the club's bigger crowds in recent years... I liked them. If I was in the dancing mood, I probably would have bobbed up and down a little more yet I was content in merely bouncing a bit to hit tracks like "Banquet" and "Staying Fat." Okereke is a star and he knows it, grinning with glee from all the love he received from the crowd, most notably from a posse of Asian girl groupies standing stage front. I did manage to maneuver my cheap ass camera around to get a few photos even though there had to be at least 100 flashes going off every other second in front of me. Anyway, their debut full-length, Silent Arm, comes out early next year with a proposed return to the U.S. in March. That gives fans five full months to start the backlash. Begin now.
