Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Chik Chik Chik plays tonight at the Henry Fonda. I'll be there. But last night, three "chicks" were playing at various venues around town. First, Anna Nalick at the Joint. She's signed to Columbia Records and has been playing around town a lot more often since completing her new record due sometime this fall, I believe. She's definitely got talent, still a little raw, but should find a fanbase with kids who still can't believe Lilith Fair is over. Unfortunately, her material seems a bit too manufactured for AOR still but she does have two acoustic ballads that actually show promise of something better... Canada's Sarah Slean was playing at Tangier. Didn't take any pictures because I pretty much just ran in there and then ran back out but she once did a showcase for Atlantic Records years ago at Luna Park. I liked her and still think she's got the goods. Her new record has distro through Warner Canada with nothing yet written in stone for a US release... Over at the Echo, Jessica Dobson was just finishing up her set. She recently got signed to Atlantic a few months ago. An unusual signing from such a conservative label but maybe it's a positive sign of things to come because she's good... Shortly after midnight, Ratatat hit the Cinespace stage with their dance rock instrumentals. So simple but so undeniably catchy.

Rat-tat-tat-tat with their caps peelin' back... cause it's 1-8-7 on an undercover cop.

Photos removed for bandwidth. Contact me if you'd like copies.