Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Los Angeles Loves... Moses Campbell's "Ceiling"

Los Angeles Loves... Moses Campbell's
Moses Campbell recently released two digital singles on one of the the bestest L.A. labels Deathbomb Arc and are now ready to unveil their new video for "Ceiling." The video captures the perfect day in the Echo Park life storyline for two "everything sucks" dudes (Aaron Olson of Cryptacize/Cobra and Me fame and Lucian) set to the band's raucous anthem that races by at 2:25. Longtime fans should love just how the song sounds light years above anything else they've ever released. Newtime fans should just love the fact that you're hearing Moses Campbell for the first time in such gloriousness.

Tracks are available as a part of the 2012 Deathbomb Singles Club subscription available here.

Moses Campbell performs at Space 15 Twenty on 3/5 and at the Bootleg Bar on 4/8.


Thursday, February 23, 2012
Los Angeles Loves A... Death to Anders Residency

Los Angeles Loves A... Death to Anders Residency
There are so many free residencies in Los Angeles it's easy to take them for granted but we don't. Not when we remember a time when there weren't any so we'll gladly take advantage of any month-long weeklies we can get. This brings us to Death to Anders who have graciously asked us to hop on the last of their February residency nights at the very cozy Casey's Bar & Grill this Saturday.

For this February finale, Death to Anders have a very special evening planned as the band will be performing Pixies' quintessential album Surfer Rosa. If that weren't enough, Audrey Capotosta of the dearly beloved Teddy's Cheer Club will be playing with them (and afterward promptly taking marriage proposals by us). To hear how hard they rock, do make the effort to download D2A's latest EP "Don't Give Up" at Bandcamp for free. And if you're still having doubts about heading downtown on Saturday, the fact that L.A. indie-pop legends Fonda are opening should change things. We haven't seen this band do a club show in like a decade with the most memorable one coming in 1999 at Club Sucker (the best damn club night in Los Angeles music history and if you don't know that you must new here). The band recently celebrated the release of their fantastic new EP "Better Days" available on iTunes and wherever fine vinyl records are sold (Origami). Buy it asap. And lastly... Not to be confused with the Australian all-girl rock band or the dozens of Roxy Music cover bands out there, L.A.'s Remake/Remodel will likely be obliterating the midnight slot with the party rock they're known for. Be sure to stick around for them.

We do hope you can make it to Casey's on Saturday. All your frenemies will be there getting drunk and brohugging all night and if there is one thing you need on a Saturday night in Los Angeles it's a good loving embrace from a bro -- although please refrain from putting your dirty mitts on us until we've established our game with Audrey. Holla.

February 25, 2012

Los Angeles Loves...

FONDA - 10pm

Casey's Irish Pub & Grill
613 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Los Angeles Loves a... Mind The Gap Residency

Los Angeles Loves A... Mind The Gap residency
This isn't one of our shows but we're giving a special shout-out to Mind The Gap's residency night tonight with Last American Buffalo, The Peach Kings, and The Roads just because we feel like it. The band has been Westsiding it at The Central all month as they warm up for SXSW and probably bigger things to come onward. They've invited a bevy of very attractive local bands to play alongside them and this week might be the prettiest of the pack. Last American Buffalo just wrapped up a fantastic residency of their own at Harvard & Stone last month -- which had us waiting in a line for the first time in years to get in. The Peach Kings are one of LA's hottest new bands with a highly anticipated EP due soon featuring the buzz track "Thieves and Kings." And The Roads are the new duo of Andy Siara from The Henry Clay People and Claire Mckeown from Shadow Shadow Shade and given the reception from recent shows this could lead to something bigger than they expected.

If you like hot new absurdly sexy bands, go to this show, Westside.

February 21, 2012

Los Angeles Loves...


The Central SAPC
1348 14th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Los Angeles Loves... A Night at Lot 1

Los Angeles Loves... A Night at Lot 1
We're back at Lot 1 this Saturday with a very special gathering of a few of our favorite lady friends. Call it our post-Valentine's Day slash President's Day weekend everything half-off sale show. Or just call it Ladies Night at Lot 1. Whatever you call it, just be there.
  • Nicole Eva Emery first came into our periphery a few years ago in the band Lovebird when we happened upon a show of theirs at Taix. She has a voice that can penetrate your soul and if you're fans of Margo Timmins, Hope Sandoval, and Chan Marshall you'll definitely want your soul penetrated by this woman's voice. You might have heard her singing with Bob Dylan, Jesca Hoop, and Rickie Lee Jones in recent years but we prefer her doing her own thang, especially in venues as small as Lot 1.

  • Rainman is Rachel Rufrano and Rachel Rufrano is a heartbreaker. Los Angeles may not know it yet but this girl is a rising star out of the Long Beach scene -- heck, Long Beach may not even know how good this girl really is. She put out a quietly-released record last year and we were so impressed with their previous show with us back in September that we just had to have them back. You're welcome, Los Angeles.

  • Lia, Lia, Lia... We've been waiting a loooooong time to do a show with Lia Rose, pretty much since the day we first saw her as an original member of the band Minipop some 8 years ago -- which, of course, was the best version of the band. She's since gone solo but in between formed the wonderful band Built for the Sea (who we did a show for in 2007 at Tangier) and most recently joined Or, The Whale for a series of shows last year. It's been a long road in getting the Long Beach native to town again but it's finally come and she'll be bringing her most recent record When You Need Me Most with her. It'll be so worth the wait.

  • Coming down with Rose will be touring partner Kelly McFarling who we honestly hadn't heard anything about until we were sent this video and subsequently liked/favorited it. We're up in the Bay Area at least once a month (actually, we just saw Lia Rose last weekend up there) and we are downright miffed that we have not been graced by this woman's voice yet. We're fixin' to change that Saturday. Get her latest album Distractible Child on Bandcamp.

  • The last time we did a show with Nettie Rose she was working on her debut album. Um, yeah, that was two years ago and we hear she's still working on it. And while others may be in awe of the fact that she's the Granddaughter of the man who coined the phrase "Rock 'N Roll" we're just blown away that she wrote a song as perfect as "Ride Ride Ride" as a teenager. Come early to see this future star of the L.A. country scene to hopefully get a taste of the album we've been waiting for like half a decade.

We hope you can make it to Lot 1 to check out these lovely ladies, buy some records, and maybe become lifelong fans. Or come by and just hang out with us. We'd like that.

February 18, 2012

Los Angeles Loves...


Lot 1 Cafe
1533 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Los Angeles Loves... A Night at Home Room

Los Angeles Loves... A Night at Home Room
A few months ago, hundreds of L.A.'s coolest of the cool crammed into Home Room's grand opening in what was undoubtedly the best opening night of 2011. Not bad for a room probably half the size of pehrspace. The non-profit art gallery/performance space is easily one of the most efficiently and effectively run DIY venues in Los Angeles. Located a few doors down east of the Medusa Lounge, local and touring bands won't find a more welcoming stage than this one, not to mention some of L.A.'s best artists (the paintbrush kind) and comediennes have already stopped by this ultra-intimate spot to showcase their latest canvas work and dirty jokes, respectively. And this Friday, we'll be joining the growing list of great evenings in presenting our first night at the venue with a lineup you should not miss....
  • Those who were as obsessed with The Lovemakers as we were will probably understand why this is our third show with El Elle (aka "L. L." aka Lisa Light) in just a few months. Ultra-sexy, uber-evocative dance rock with epic violin solos and, if you're lucky, some performance art and poetic narrative. We adore this woman.

  • If you caught our sneak tweet last week, you should realize we don't throw around 140 characters around like that very often. Still, let's be clear about this... Wildcat! Wildcat! is one of the best bands of 2012 and closet-sized venues like Home Room will be in their rear-view mirror in a matter of mere moments. Those who read much hipper blogs than this one are going to shit their pants when they see this band -- like we did last week.

  • We told you last year that Little Red Lung ain't no joke and you're going to be hearing a lot more of that chatter this year as long as they keep releasing tracks like the ones they've giving away for free on their Bandcamp. Singer Zoe-Ruth Erwin's musical witchcraft is bathed in a Tom Waits-like soliloquy of charm and mischief. In other words, you're going to crush so hard on this band when you see them.

  • We're probably crazy having a band as brutal as Blood Buddies open a show that leans more artsy/indie than what they're used to but we love a change of pace and we honestly don't do enough punk nights to accommodate such a band. Having a bit of raw punk exuberance will be a nice wake-up call for the night as well as perhaps an eye-opener for those who think The Ettes, The Coathangers, and Metallica are the only girls who can rock. Do not miss this band.

In our heart of hearts, we feel these are four of the best new bands in Los Angeles, all of which we feel are going to make 2012 their bitch. Meaning, it won't probably be until 2013 until the rest of the world catches on. That gives you eleven months to bandwagoneer you and your friends to their shows, beginning with this one...

February 10, 2012

Los Angeles Loves...


Home Room
3121 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90057 | Map
All Ages/$5/9pm

Los Angeles Loves... Daniel Ahearn & The Jones (Part 2): The Scene

Los Angeles Loves... Daniel Ahearn & The Jones (Part 2)
Continuing with our one-night stand we had with Daniel Ahearn & The Jones a few weeks back, here's part dos of our conversation about their life as a band in Los Angeles. For this portion, we listen in on their discussion of the local scene and their place in it coming from the perspective of ones that have been around longer than a majority of the bands around town. We had to cut a ton of great footage and commentary out just to get it into something A.D.D. video watchers could sit through but you still should get a feel of their understanding and acknowledgement of the musicians in this town. They just get it. In any case, we hope you enjoy.

Be sure to catch Daniel Ahearn & The Jones playing this month beginning tonight at The Echo. Also, see them on Valentine's Day at The Mint and 2/27 at Max Steiners in Long Beach. New split 7" with Correatown out in March.

Monday, February 06, 2012
Los Angeles Loves an... Incan Abraham Residency

Los Angeles Loves an... Incan Abraham Residency
This isn't déjà vu, this is just part two.

If anyone's counting, this is the second Incan Abraham residency we've had the privilege of presenting. Back in June 2011, the band was just coming into their own as an "up-and-comer" with a few EPs under their belt and a swarm of devoted fans following them from show to show. Since then, they've released yet another fantastic (and free) EP "Ancient Vacation," impressed a hard-to-impress Wiltern audience opening for Liam Gallagher's Beady Eye, and now have been offered one of the prime residency nights at the prestigious Bootleg Bar. In some industry circles, they call this momentum building but in our Google+ circle, we call this the beginning of world domination. We highly recommend coming by the BB this month to not only see IA play what might be the last series of free shows before they do initiate operation world domination, but also the absolutely incredible lineup of bands that are joining them with Hands, Cuckoo Chaos, Masxs, Nightmare & The Cat, The Pity Party, High Rise (the debut from Mike Moonves of Chief), Jeffertitti's Nile, The Union Line, Monsters Calling Home, Harriet, and Gothic Tropic.

Incan Abraham performs every Monday at the Bootleg Bar in February (Free/21+). All EPs available for free download on their Bandcamp.

Los Angeles Loves an... Incan Abraham Residency

February 6, 2012


February 13, 2012


February 20, 2012


February 27, 2012


The Fold at the Bootleg Bar
2220 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90057 | Map
