Monday, February 27, 2006
Dear Friend, This Letter Was Written By Someone Else

Been a bit busy with awards season, getting the kids ready for SXSW, and still finding time to see friend's bands in town. So we're sorry for not answering all the recent hatemail in a timely manner, but just know you can hate us all you want, we still love you. Except if your band name starts with 30 Seconds.

February ended with some gusto. Went to the Hotel Cafe for the Bloom, Stela, Runion, and DRW show. Can we just say now that Mike Bloom's solo stuff is better than anything The Elected has ever put out? If Sennett wants to fight about it, we can. But even he knows this. We like Annie Stela's recent demos, but her live shows are still so-so. Bloom joined her on guitar for her set, and it still lacked something, which we can't figure out. Runion was effing radd of course. Ditto to Dead Rock West who were showcasing for honchos. Too cool for school crowd that night including Jonathan Rice, Tobey Maguire, and all the boys and girl from Rilo Kiley. Long time, no see... Sarah Silverman at Largo was great. We know you're tired of our constant re-telling of the day we first met Silverman at the White Stripes Troubadour show way back when. We said she was hot then and she's still hot. Even with that potty mouth... The Mormons/Monolators/E>K>U>K> show was one of the best lineups of the month (when did E>K>U>K> get so damn good??). Dammit, what a great night. So good, we're taking bets right now that it will happen again. And soon. Seven member jangle pop outfit Land of Ill Earthquakes opened. Oh no, not another ensemble of high school band kids that strive for Social Scene and the Wall Looks Good To Me in Helsinki glory. Well, they're kids so we must give them a break. But raise your hand if you think one certain pair of hand claps isn't needed?... Thoroughly enjoyed our night with Mice Parade and Tom Brosseau. Wouldn't it be grand if Pierce and Co. played something more complicated? I mean, c'mon, challenge us for once. And the addition of Mum's Valtysdottir was a gift. Thank you, Brosseau, for introducing us. And thank you Brosseau for the songs you sing. The last time we heard the Echo that quiet was when Elliott Smith played there. Coincidentally, Brosseau ended the night with a cover of Smith's "Biggest Lie", bringing up the lovely Correatown for the duet. Also, props to Nesseth of The Heavenly States for opening the show without his band, who apparently had car troubles or something.

Land of Ill Earthquakes - "Long Winter" (MP3)
Land of Ill Earthquakes - "Acres of Fakers" (MP3)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
And the Moon Stood Still for the Nightbird Song

Ok, it's later. So about this Ambulette EP The Lottery. It's surprisingly under-mixed/produced being that it's on a label known for its high-production fair (Royksopp, Basement Jaxx, Placebo). Mind you, this is coming from someone that doesn't care too much about production as long as the songs come through. Don't know if they just decided to release the demo as is, but if so, that's a disappointment because these five songs don't do Maura Davis justice although "Seconds Until Midnight" and "If You Go Away" come close. Ambulette tour in support of the EP (which they'll have available at their shows) in March hitting up SXSW and some West Coast dates in April.

Ambulette - The Lottery (Astralwerks)
March 21, 2006

1. I've Got More
2. Fall
3. When I See You
4. Seconds Until Midnight
5. If You Go Away

The new Sierra Swan comes out on 5/23 (it was supposed to come out in March) -- althought it's available now through iTunes. It's pretty great, but Linda Perry has that effect on records. Aimee Mann does guest vocals on "Get Down To It" but Swan's own voice, which seems to channel Queen through Heart, is the real highlight. "Just Tell Me" is really a perfectly written love song. Almost too perfect. Swan heads out on tour with James Blunt in March.

3/14 @ Webster Hall, New York, NY
3/15 @ Webster Hall, New York, NY
3/23 @ Lakewood Civic Auditorium, Cleveland, OH
3/24 @ the Majestic Theatre, Detroit, MI
3/25 @ the Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL
3/27 @ the State Theater, Minneapolis, MN
3/28 @ Sokol Auditorium, Omaha, NB
3/29 @ Liberty Hall, Lawrence, KS
3/30 @ the Paramount Theatre, Denver, CO
3/31 @ the Depot, Salt Lake City, UT
4/2 @ the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, BC
4/3 @ the Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA
4/4 @ the Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR
4/6 @ the Warfield, San Francisco, CA

Sierra Swan w/Linda Perry and The Section Quartet - "Copper Red" (Live at Largo) (WMV)

Like we said previously, we love the new Two Gallants record. We haven't dug deep on every nuance of it, but it sounds like it was recorded live to capture the essence of the band. Pretty smart. The band will be in L.A. on 4/4 playing at the Troubadour.

Two Gallants - "Las Cruces Jail" (MP3)
Two Gallants - "Waves of Grain" (MP3)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Poor Boy Could Use A Break

Seriously, we almost forgot about this thing. Thanks for your concerned letters of our whereabouts, but according to focus groups you needed a break from us. So, yeah, some shows... Stopped by the SLL for Ferraby Lionheart's opening set. Holy goodness. We all know Ferraby from Telecast, one of the best bands on planet earth, but this new solo tryout is just damn brilliant itself -- so brilliant we had to see him again at the Prospector and the Echo. Had to miss out on Space Mtn that night to get over to The Smell for Nedelle, Emma Zunz, Foot Foot, and Feast. Really a great lineup of innovative lo-fi performers but the draw for us to come out for this was Seattle-based avant-noire duo Emma Zunz who may remind you of Azure Ray circa Little Red Rocket, but a tad more ominous and dissonant. Nedelle did a cover The Marvelettes' "The Hunter," which we loved. She also looks like 'Boof' from "Teen Wolf". And we did catch part of Feast's performance but I don't think words do them justice... The Kids of Widney High did some overdue self-promotion for their new CD and cameo in the movie "The Ringer" at Mr. T's. Also nice to see so many people making use of the dance floor for 8 Bit Weapon, The Monolators, and 8 Bit. By the way, The Monolators played their best show ever at the Silverlake Lounge. New album Our Tears Have Wings is due late Spring and it's fantastic. Andy from 8 Bit is giving a go on bass with them... Made up for missing Space Mtn earlier and checked them out in Long Beach. Almost a year after having our first face-to-face with Ms. Waxman in Paris, I'd say she's come a long way. Forgot to mention to her that "Seals" is the best song on the album. It is. Jessica Dobson opened. Also been about a year since seeing her while she's been busy recording her debut for Atlantic. Seems she's testing out new songs and we thank her for that. Missed Lemon Sun that night but saw them at the Foreign Born/Cold War Kids/In Waves show at the Echo where they stood stagefront blocking all the short people. Oh, and how about this new band In Waves, eh? Were you as eyelocked to their drummer as we were? Damn. By the way, that new CWK song "Hang Me Up To Dry" is probably the best song they've written yet. It should be available on one of their two EPs due in March... While sipping chocolate shakes and watching The Sweet Hurt's latest Smoosh-like incarnation at Sacred Grounds, we got a text from Ms. J letting us know that The Smell anniversary show was a big hit. 'Mmm... Becky Stark' we text-messaged back and promptly separated battery from cellphone... Been over a year since we stood at the feet of Annie Hardy. Gigante Drag never sounded better and her barre chords never looked so firm. Also saw Kate Earl again. She asked us to come this time and as you know it's hard to say no to this lady. On a related note, Kate and Annie were once college classmates and once played together at Vine during Annie's DJ residency days a few years back, something that should happen again someday soon... Gregory Page played his first L.A. show in what felt like a century at Largo opening for John Doe. He was only given four songs. Still, those four songs were better than most band's entire career output. He was quick to point out how proud he was that he'll be in the April issue of Penthouse Magazine talking about the re-release of one of the best albums ever made Love Made Me Drunk due in stores May 2nd. A release show is scheduled back in Largo around that time... Went to see the Whisky Biscuit/Future Pigeon shows at the Echo with the highlight for us being the night with Blackbird (awestruck). You'll want to be at their encore residency at the Silverlake Lounge throughout February.

So what else has happened lately? For starters, Xian left 400 Blows. We're crushed... In less than six months, She Wants Revenge has gone from generally liked to the most hated band in Los Angeles. If you don't why, you probably listen to KROQ. We still love Warfield, but do have this thing against L.A. bands that sound too much like N.Y. ones -- and then deny it... Esquimaux moved back to Baltimore, MD. Wha?... If you're not from L.A. the best way to hear about good local bands is through "Grey's Anatomy," which has featured Angela Correa, Devics, Kate Earl, The 88, Inara George, and Joe Purdy in recent weeks... The Gun Shys changed their name to The Shys. The new album exceeds expectations. ... PJH is playing regularly with Morris Tepper, which is doing wonders for Ice Cream for Crow sales... Got word Carla Werner is coming back to L.A. in April... Copies of the new Two Gallants record What the Toll Tells came in and for the last month we've have been listening to the epic "Age of Assassins" pretty much non-stop (see blog title). Also got copies of Sierra Swan, Rhett Miller, Trespassers William, Devics, Irving, Garrison Starr, and the new Ambulette EP. We'll post about some of those later perhaps... We officially moved to What will we ever do with all this disk space? Hm...

Emma Zunz - "Resting Place" (MP3)
Foreign Born - "Holy Splinter" (MP3)
Foreign Born - "Into Your Dream" (MP3)
Ferraby Lionheart - "A Crack In Time" (MP3)
Ferraby Lionheart - "Tickets To Crickets" (MP3)
